Galop Training


official "Galop" exams

Between 2017 and 2018, NATURA HÍPICA presented 32 students to the official Gallop exams of the Royal Spanish Equestrian Federation. From Gallop 1 to Gallop 4, the success rate of the school has not dropped below 100% ! 

When you ask the trainer and technician Guiti PFLÜGER how such a success rate is achieved? She simply answers that she simply transmits what she has received, with love and passion. The truth is that this French teacher (a precursor of Galopes graduations in Europe) managed to reconcile rigour, constancy, perseverance without ever forgetting the need to play and have fun with children.

At the same time, he never loses sight of the fact that before being a rider, one has to be an individual. An individual who loves, respects and understands his animal. "I have pupils as young as 9 years old who are already doing trotting lines, others as young as 10 years old who jump over 1 metre oxeres, and compete in cross country. Or some who simply play 1,2,3 wall pike on a pony or pony foot. And you know what? none of them are aware of being above their level, because for them everything is like a game".

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